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Re: whats the best way to troubleshoot a stage snake?

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 Re: whats the best way to troubleshoot a stage snake?

were do i start ???
 the splitter , the sub box or the xlr or cable ??

Rob Spence:
I assume you have a bad channel? What is the symptom?
I would start by opening up the cable end for the channel to see if a wire got pulled off. If that doesn't turn up something, then open the stage box though the cable end is the most likely.

Tim McCulloch:

--- Quote from: mikesmall on February 11, 2011, 08:53:23 AM --- Re: whats the best way to troubleshoot a stage snake?

were do i start ???
 the splitter , the sub box or the xlr or cable ??

--- End quote ---

You start at the beginning.  Test your mic cables and verify that all conductors conduct, and that the cables are correctly wired.

If you have a Rat Sender/Sniffer, you and a buddy can go through a big snake in fairly short order.  Have your helper plug the sender into the splitter inputs and you wield the sniffer.  Make notes of anything it finds wrong.  Repeat for each of the splits, too.

If you're using a conventional cable tester like the EWI Bug Catcher or the Ebtech SwizzArmy tester, you'll need to bring the fanout end of the snake up to the splitter, and use known-good (tested) cables to make the patches.  If you're testing a permanently installed snake you'll need more/longer cables to do this, but it's still do-able.

Frank DeWitt:

--- Quote from: Tim McCulloch on February 11, 2011, 03:04:39 PM ---
If you're using a conventional cable tester like the EWI Bug Catcher or the Ebtech SwizzArmy tester, you'll need to bring the fanout end of the snake up to the splitter, and use known-good (tested) cables to make the patches.  If you're testing a permanently installed snake you'll need more/longer cables to do this, but it's still do-able.

--- End quote ---

The Ebtech SwizzArmy tester and the Behringer CT100 copy have a installed cable test feature. 


Ivan Beaver:

--- Quote from: mikesmall on February 11, 2011, 08:53:23 AM --- Re: whats the best way to troubleshoot a stage snake?

were do i start ???
 the splitter , the sub box or the xlr or cable ??

--- End quote ---
An ohm meter is a VERY handy tool to have and will  help you find shorts and opens in the cable.

Using a KNOW GOOD mic cable, hook up a know good mic and test the channels to see what is working and what isn't.  The next thing I would do would be visual on the fan end (it takes more abuse than the stage box-wiring wise).  Then look inside the stage box.


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