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What the heck happened whist I was gone?

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Mac Kerr:

--- Quote from: Dave Stevens on January 25, 2011, 12:46:20 AM ---It came from because that's what was going to happen when the announcement was made.  Then after much consternation they backed down.  But the damage control wasn't good enough and they didn't do a good enough job at walking that position back.

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Doug, Tom Young, and I, and Brad Blackwood from the REP side were on conference calls starting in Oct. When the first call began there was no plan to save the old data. When the 4 of us protested that this was not acceptable we were assured that if the old data could not be integrated into the new site it would be saved as a searchable archive. This was 2 months before any announcement. I don't know where your information is coming from, but you were not on any of the calls I was on.

There is no question that the announcement was mishandled. It has cost this site in reputation and credibility. It has cost this site some valuable members, you among them, but that train has left the station. The only thing we can do now is try to make this site the best that it can be. There will be an archive. We are working on ways to make the flat view only software more usable. We are trying to move forward rather than looking backward.

There is a forum in the Bugs and Comments section at the top of the page where we are asking for suggestions and comments from the members so we know what the members want. Some things will not be feasible, there will not be threaded view for instance, but what is feasible will be addressed. When we moved to FUD forum software, I don't remember taking part in the decision to choose that software, maybe the folks complaining that they were left out of the process this time were consulted back then, I wasn't.

Till the next time the whole world changes we're going to keep trying to improve what has been the best pro audio website on the Internet. If some of the luster has been lost in the translation, we will try to bring it back.

Catch ya on the flip side.


John Roberts {JR}:

--- Quote from: Mac Kerr on January 25, 2011, 11:22:09 AM ---Dave,

Doug, Tom Young, and I, and Brad Blackwood from the REP side were on conference calls starting in Oct. When the first call began there was no plan to save the old data. When the 4 of us protested that this was not acceptable we were assured that if the old data could not be integrated into the new site it would be saved as a searchable archive. This was 2 months before any announcement. I don't know where your information is coming from, but you were not on any of the calls I was on.

--- Quote ---How about here..  in January from a presumed authority on the transition,,67.msg338.html#msg338

--- Quote ---There is no question that the announcement was mishandled. It has cost this site in reputation and credibility. It has cost this site some valuable members, you among them, but that train has left the station. The only thing we can do now is try to make this site the best that it can be. There will be an archive. We are working on ways to make the flat view only software more usable. We are trying to move forward rather than looking backward.

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amen... that's all everybody wants.

--- Quote ---There is a forum in the Bugs and Comments section at the top of the page where we are asking for suggestions and comments from the members so we know what the members want. Some things will not be feasible, there will not be threaded view for instance, but what is feasible will be addressed. When we moved to FUD forum software, I don't remember taking part in the decision to choose that software, maybe the folks complaining that they were left out of the process this time were consulted back then, I wasn't.

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I started out pretty active there.. even trying to suggest ways to better manage the problem of archiving posts, until I lost interest, for several reasons.

--- Quote ---Till the next time the whole world changes we're going to keep trying to improve what has been the best pro audio website on the Internet. If some of the luster has been lost in the translation, we will try to bring it back.

Catch ya on the flip side.


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I am tempted to say good luck, but luck has nothing to do with this.

I feel for you guys who serve as lightning rods for the obvious displeasure from the community.

This is a business with obvious value, somebody needs to shepherd that value.

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