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Required Reading for all members - Name rule explanation


Mac Kerr:
In the SR forums we have always had, and continue to have, a requirement that your real name be displayed in all posts. We feel that this keeps the discussion more civil, and less open to wild claims. When someone makes a post with an alias we delete the post and send them a message that they need to change their displayed name (the "name" field in their profile) to their real full name to post in these forums. If a user refuses to post with their real name, and they repeatedly post with an alias they will be banned from these forums.

The name you registered with is your "user name" it is not your "displayed name". Your displayed name must be entered in the "Name" field of your profile after you register. Messages posted with an alias in the forums that require your real name to be your displayed name will be deleted. To change the "Name" field, go to your profile, then "Account Settings", and enter your real full name in the "Name" field. At the bottom of the page, hit "Change Profile". Done.

In the SR forums there is also a longstanding rule against either political or religious discussions. This is a professional audio site, and politics has no place here. There are plenty of websites dedicated to political discussion to give you an outlet for your political comments.


Mac Kerr:

--- Quote from: Mac Kerr on January 14, 2011, 03:01:47 PM ---The name you registered with is your "user name" it is not your "displayed name". Your displayed name must be entered in the "Name" field of your profile after you register. Messages posted with an alias in the forums that require your real name to be your displayed name will be deleted.

--- End quote ---

Recently there was a misunderstanding which caused a "Real Full Name" field to be added that was not the "displayed name". It is required, as stated in the rule quoted, to go to your profile after registering and change the "Name" field to your real full name.

Those of you have used the new field may have received warnings about your name. Just go to your profile and change the displayed name field like everyone else, and you're fine.



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