Sound Reinforcement - Forums for Live Sound Professionals - Your Displayed Name Must Be Your Real Full Name To Post In The Live Sound Forums > LAB Subwoofer Forum
Read These Rules BEFORE Posting
Mac Kerr:
--- Quote from: Craig Leerman wrote on Sun, 12 December 2004 14:27 ---OK, I'm getting a little tired of all the "new" subwoofer design posts where the poster brags about how great their design will be, but unfortunately they have not made one!
So here is the deal. I don't want to see a post introducing any new designs as a completed project unless you have actually measured A REAL ONE!
This does not mean that you can't discuss a new design, or its merits.
Of course, general subwoofer theory and design questions can still be posted.
EXAMPLE of what not to do in a post:
"Here is my new Discombobulator (tm) sub that will blow anything away using an 8" Radio Shack speaker. I havn't built one yet, but my computer calculation show that in a stack of 4 they make a Lab Sub cry!"
EXAMPLE of an acceptable post:
"I've been working on a small portable sub based around a Rat Shack 8" speaker. Here is what the computer program shows it will do. What do you guys think?"
If you want to brag and basically ADVERTISE your design (but not a commercial one), then GET YOUR OWN WEB PAGE and provide a link to it in a post. If you want to discuss the merits of a design, feel free to do so here. But knock off the "My sub blows the doors off yours crap" especially since no real measurements have been made!
Here are the basic rules of this forum.
* You can discuss any aspect of the LAB subs, from construction, to operation, to redesigning them. This forum is first and foremost about the LAB SUB project.
* You can discuss all subwoofer theory and design concepts. Reverse engineering a manufacturers box so you can build one is out, but concepts and application for any manufactures box are on topic.
* General woodworking and shop questions. Where to buy wood, parts, etc. Even construction hints and tricks. Basically, anything to do with the construction of the LAB in specific, or in cabinet building in general is allowed here.
* Compatible High Packs for the LAB, including design projects for a top box.
* Comparisons, or shootout results between subs, especially if they involve the LAB sub, but even if they do not involve the LAB sub.
* Any other SUBWOOFER Box designs and ideas including amplification issues for subwoofers and cabling.
* Pictures of LAB subs and other projects subs, or topboxes for the lab
Because this is a professional forum, we expect a few things from the participants.
* A REAL NAME. If you want to participate in an adult professional forum, your real name is required. You must use your real first and last name in your handle to post here. It MUST appear in your handle, not just in the text of the post.
* A LITTLE SEARCHING BEFORE POSTING. Many questions and topics have been beat to death. Do a search on the site or on Google before posting not only here, but on all of PSW forums.
* READ THE RULES. Read the different forum rules before jumping into the discussions. Many forums have different rules and operating principles. In general, The LAB, Lounge, Church, Basement, Lighting, LAB SUB, and Install forums have the same guidelines. The MARSH and REC Pit forums have entirely different guidelines.
* A LITTLE LURKING BEFORE JOINING. Read the past posts and get a feel for the forum you want to participate in. That way you will get an idea of who some of the regulars are, and how the place works.
* Adult Behavior. We will not tolerate personal attacks, racism, sexism, or any other non professional behavior on any of the forums.
* Political and Religious discussions are off topic. (Yes, you can still discuss audio related issues in a church, synagogue, or even a City Hall or political rally, etc)
* No Text (NT) posts are not allowed. If you can't contribute more than a "what he said" answer, or confine your entire answer to the heading, then it will be deleted.
* Spamming the forum, or trying to direct traffic away from it is not allowed. If you know of another forum or site that may be of interest, then submit it to our links area, or have that site buy advertising from PSW.
* If you are a manufacturer of audio or related industry products there are additional rules. While we welcome the participation of manufacturers here, no manufacturer or their representative can advertise their own products here. If you wish to advertise, then you can buy advertising space on PSW.
Manufacturers are not allowed to conduct marketing or advertising polls here on the forum.
Manufacturers are not allowed to start any threads pertaining to their products or services, but can respond to any questions posed to them by others about their products.
Craig Leerman
Forum Moderator
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