Hey All,
I am looking to buy a new pair of matched projectors. Our company focuses on events from small wedding slideshows to high end corporate AV. We currently have some Sanyo XF 35 and XF 60 projectors which serve us well but are starting to be a little dated.
My question is if to go widescreen and HD? We see about 1/2 and 1/2 between 4:3 and 16:9 Media- and actually most events have both. I would think having HD 16:9 Projectors would serve us better because we could project in 4:3 and have black bars spill off the sides of the screen when necessary.
Looking at the Sanyo PDG-DHT8000L as it is 8000 lumens, HD, and light enough to carry up a ladder and put on a truss tower.
Let me know if you have any other suggestions worth looking at. The downside to the Sanyo PDG-DHT8000L is that we cant rent more in my immediate area.