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Mismatched subs in gradient pair?

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George Reiswig:
I'm not really considering this seriously, but as I learn more I start to ask more and more questions.

I'm wondering in this case about how to keep subs from bleeding onto the stage via a cardiod pattern. In particular, I have two subs to work with in my small system: one is a Bassboss VS-21. The other is a little RCF 702-AS II. They are laughably far apart from one another in capability, response, etc. So this is more of an "in principle" question:

Is it even possible to put the 702 behind the VS-21 and with the right settings have any appreciable impact on the pattern? Or is that whistling in the wind?

Scott Holtzman:

--- Quote from: George Reiswig on June 26, 2024, 12:59:45 PM ---I'm not really considering this seriously, but as I learn more I start to ask more and more questions.

I'm wondering in this case about how to keep subs from bleeding onto the stage via a cardiod pattern. In particular, I have two subs to work with in my small system: one is a Bassboss VS-21. The other is a little RCF 702-AS II. They are laughably far apart from one another in capability, response, etc. So this is more of an "in principle" question:

Is it even possible to put the 702 behind the VS-21 and with the right settings have any appreciable impact on the pattern? Or is that whistling in the wind?

--- End quote ---

Keep in mind each sub will have a different phase response.  This may help in your situation.

Brian Jojade:
The math with mismatched subs becomes far more difficult to determine the actual results. The results could end up wildly different at different frequencies.

Art Welter:

--- Quote from: George Reiswig on June 26, 2024, 12:59:45 PM ---
Is it even possible to put the 702 behind the VS-21 and with the right settings have any appreciable impact on the pattern?

--- End quote ---
If you were to sacrifice the extended low frequency range of the Bassboss VS-21 to that of the little RCF 702-AS II, and equalize their response to the same target, it would be possible to have an appreciable impact on the pattern, up to the SPL where the 702-AS II output becomes non linear, when it's limiters kick in.

The usual ratio of matched cardioid subs is around 2 forward to one rear, ~6dB difference.
The VS-21 probably has an easy +12 dB more linear output over the 702-AS II, so as well as sacrificing its low end, you would need to limit the output potential of the VS-21 by at least -6dB.

With out limiting the VS-21, the LF on stage could be relatively quiet at low SPL (where the level wouldn't be bothersome..), then transition to VERY LOUD on peaks, which would probably be less acceptable than just being too loud consistently.

George Reiswig:
Thank you all. This verifies what I suspected based on my limited knowledge.


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