Sound Reinforcement - Forums for Live Sound Professionals - Your Displayed Name Must Be Your Real Full Name To Post In The Live Sound Forums > The Basement

Just pondering...

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Mike Caldwell:

--- Quote from: Brian Jojade on June 21, 2024, 03:26:32 PM ---The biggest problem with the 1977's was the white material inside for the clamp.  They tend to deteriorate and crack off.  I've still got hundreds of them from a 1982 install that I pulled out.  Still fine for an install, if you baby them, but not durable at all.

Funny thing, this one just happens to be sitting on my desk, 3 inches from my keyboard.

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That's where they would break with any moderate use, I think the constant tension on the material for the clamp didn't help.

Matthew Knischewsky:

--- Quote from: Mike Caldwell on June 21, 2024, 05:06:07 PM ---That's where they would break with any moderate use, I think the constant tension on the material for the clamp didn't help.

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I had hundreds of these old style Neutriks in the ancient Hill/Headwater Audio system that I used to be the caretaker of. They all broke at the strain relief and needed to be replaced.


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