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Danley OS15CX


Scott Hibbard:
Dear Forum Members,

I installed a Danley OS15CX as the center speaker on a press box (the L/R side fills are existing speakers the customer had that they wanted to re-use - Noho C).  Here are 2 quick videos of the OS15CX (only) from across the field.  Powered by a set of bridged channels on a Danley DSA500. 

The system was used for the first time Tuesday for a lacrosse event, and the parents took notice immediately that the sound system was upgraded.  The first announcement opened their eyes as they looked around saying "wow...we should have had this from day 1".  Night and day difference vs. what was there before.

The speaker has vocal clarity for days, but also has a very nice full-range sound for music playback from about 60Hz and above, making it a great solution where budget and/or other limitations may prevent the use of subwoofers but still do justice to playback tracks.   



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