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Dumb 70v question
Tim Weaver:
If I have 9 speakers in a grid pattern in a room one of them falls right over where the podium normally lives.
If I tapped 8 of these speakers at 16 watts, and the one over the podium at 1 watt, does that make the one speakers quieter? Or it doesn't change it's sensitivity, but will run out of headroom way before the others?
I'm guessing that there's no free lunch here and I'll have to run a volume control for that one speaker.........
Kurt J Nemer:
Think of them as light bulbs- the 1 watt speaker should have about 12dB less output if I remember my decible formula correctly.
Tim Weaver:
--- Quote from: Kurt J Nemer on May 22, 2024, 06:58:48 PM ---Think of them as light bulbs- the 1 watt speaker should have about 12dB less output if I remember my decible formula correctly.
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Brian Jojade:
That's one of the coolest things about 70v systems. Need it quieter or louder in an area, tap it accordingly. Of course, if you need to be able to adjust it after the install, a separate volume control would make more sense.
Scott Holtzman:
--- Quote from: Brian Jojade on May 23, 2024, 12:22:42 AM ---That's one of the coolest things about 70v systems. Need it quieter or louder in an area, tap it accordingly. Of course, if you need to be able to adjust it after the install, a separate volume control would make more sense.
--- End quote ---
Your total tapped watts should be close to the amps output however if the amp is 3db less than total that's no big deal as I doubt you are going to be running the system at FTB*
FTB=Full Tilt Boogie
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