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AC or USB powered transmitter?


Ed Kolcz:
Hello,  hoping someone can help me.

I currently have a Sennheiser SK 100 G4 bodypack transmitter.

I would like to transmit the audio output from a laptop computer instead using a mic. I am currently using a mini jack aux cable to do this.  Although it work OK, my issue is battery usage.

Is there a way to power the transmitter using AC or USB power instead of using batteries as the transmitter will be permanently installed this way.

Thanks for any assistance.


Keith Broughton:
Amazon has some products that might work.
Search "AA battery ac adapter."

Ed Kolcz:

--- Quote from: Keith Broughton on March 13, 2024, 07:29:27 AM ---Amazon has some products that might work.
Search "AA battery ac adapter."

--- End quote ---

Interesting. Didn't know such a product exists.  Thanks!

Mike Caldwell:

--- Quote from: Ed Kolcz on March 13, 2024, 06:45:33 AM ---Hello,  hoping someone can help me.

I currently have a Sennheiser SK 100 G4 bodypack transmitter.

I would like to transmit the audio output from a laptop computer instead using a mic. I am currently using a mini jack aux cable to do this.  Although it work OK, my issue is battery usage.

Is there a way to power the transmitter using AC or USB power instead of using batteries as the transmitter will be permanently installed this way.

Thanks for any assistance.


--- End quote ---

As a side note, are you just using a 3.5 / 1/8th inch tio ring sleeve patch cable to go from the computer to the body pack? The output from the laptop is stereo and the input on the pack uses the tip for a mic level input and the ring is the line input.

That could be causing some weirdness in the audio.


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