Re spurious clip lights on CTS2k & 3k, there are a few "usual suspects".
1: The 50 way ribbon cable between the input board and the main board - can be verified by wiggling the cable while running signal through the amp and observing what happend.
2: Loose faston connectors on the "tails" from the Lp/Ln chokes. Easily fixed by removing, squishing with pliers, and reconnecting.
3: There is a _|----------|_ shaped bracket under the output filter board tying the grounds together and contacting the case. The old version has a conductive squishy foam doing the case contact, the new version has sharks teeth. Fit the new version. While you're there, verify the tightness of the 8 screws that tie the main board to the output filter board.
4: It could be slightly blown up.