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Controlling venue and festival lights as a band

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Mark Norgren:
Back in the day, we only had pars for lights.  My band would pretty much se5 and forget.  At least until we threw a breaker.

Now our band sets up pars, four movers, a couple of other effect lights and two haze machines.  At festivals, the production company handles everything.  For other smaller gigs, we do our own sound and lights.  The light issue is very complicated and time consuming when you are trying to play.  For us, we have tried to keep it simple.  ADJ make the MyDMXGo app.  Straight out, don’t rely on the wireless feature it sucks and is extremely unreliable.  We hardwire everything.  However, the app itself is super easy to program and has a midi function.  We don’t use the midi, my bass player runs the lights from a iPad on his music stand.  We have come to the conclusion that we want a decent light stage presence, but don’t want it to override or get in the way of playing well.  If you read the reviews on this app, you will find it is completely a piece of shit.  The wireless is shit, the app is great.  MHO

There is no way of replacing a dedicated light guy.  They as well as sound guys come at a cost.  If you can afford one, great.  If not, you have to find something that will get the job done. 

David Allred:

--- Quote from: Mark Norgren on July 28, 2022, 07:29:39 AM ---  ADJ make the MyDMXGo app.  Straight out, don’t rely on the wireless feature it sucks and is extremely unreliable.  We hardwire everything. 

--- End quote ---

How exactly did you hard wire it?  Buy something?  Or make a special cable / charger?
I have a Galaxy Tab A (with micro usb).  I bought a micro to C cable, but the GO is not getting power from the Tab A.  Help.
I need to get power to the Go (and to the Tab A, if possible, for charging) and coms from Tab A to GO.



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