Sound Reinforcement - Forums for Live Sound Professionals - Your Displayed Name Must Be Your Real Full Name To Post In The Live Sound Forums > Wireless and Communications
Mac Kerr:
Welcome to this new forum dedicated to wireless mics, IEMs, wireless comms, and IFBs. These can be technical issues, production issues, legal issues, what ever you think applies. We are fortunate to have two of the most influential people in this specialized industry as moderators. Both of them have been valuable participants here for a long time. I look forward to their participation as moderators of this forum. Welcome aboard Henry and Pete.
Henry Cohen:
Thank you Mac. Happy to be of service to this terrific community and always look forward to working with Pete.
Let the games begin ...
Pete Erskine:
Thanks from me too, Mac. Henry and I will be happy to enlighten and entertain! I think it's very appropriate that with the spectrum shrinking, we all need more information on how to survive in the RF world and this forum will be invaluable.
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