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RF coordination simultaneous example using IAS and Workbench

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Pete Erskine:
Here is an expansion on my videos about IAS and WB. 
It is divided into 2 - 12 minute videos.

Part 1

Part 2

Neil White:

--- Quote from: Pete Erskine on September 02, 2015, 09:35:01 PM ---Here is an expansion on my videos about IAS and WB. 

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Hi Pete,

Thanks for the detailed videos. I think the most interesting thing is the noticeable difference in the equipment profiles between the two pieces of software. The WWB6 profiles seem to be more conservative than the IAS ones. Are these settings something that can be calculated from an equipment's spec sheet?


Pete Erskine:

--- Quote from: Neil White on September 03, 2015, 09:56:18 AM ---Hi Pete,

Thanks for the detailed videos. I think the most interesting thing is the noticeable difference in the equipment profiles between the two pieces of software. The WWB6 profiles seem to be more conservative than the IAS ones. Are these settings something that can be calculated from an equipment's spec sheet?


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NO, these are arbitrary settings set by the software designer.  Not much to do with eq specs.

Jens Palm Bacher:

--- Quote from: Pete Erskine on September 03, 2015, 10:13:30 AM ---NO, these are arbitrary settings set by the software designer.  Not much to do with eq specs.

--- End quote ---
Well you could if the specs showed the intermodulation attenuation  etc. It is clear that a Sennheiser 5212 transitter in "low intermod" mode will have better specs than a cheap Shure unit, but it is not easy to read from the spec sheet.

peter dakin:
great videos Pete.

Can I ask what device your using for scans, does this pump out a file format compatible with WW6 or do you need to convert it?



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