Sound Reinforcement - Forums for Live Sound Professionals - Your Displayed Name Must Be Your Real Full Name To Post In The Live Sound Forums > Console Connectivity Solutions

New Forum - Please provide information


Mac Kerr:
We hope this new forum makes it a little easier to find technical information about good connectivity solutions for the various digital transport systems out there. We will try to keep it down to a sticky topic per system so you can find the one you're looking for. Please keep general discussion about these products in the other forums, this is specifically for solutions for connectivity.

Please post your solutions in the sticky topic for your system. If there is not yet a topic for your system, start a new one and we will make sticky.

In addition to the exact hardware and cable you are using, please include a description of how you are using the system, and what led you to the solution you use, and were there any problems with other cable or hardware that you found you need to avoid.



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