If anyone is trying to survive on product alone, then start your bankrupcy paperwork now.
"Great" service is the key!
A good friend and myself started a musical instrument repair & "service" operation for some extra cash. We don't compete w/ GC or any online merch dealers...we can't!
We tell NEW potential "merch" buying customers to find their own best deal on a product.... and then we tell them whether they got screwed or not. Most retailers have a good return policy, but lousy customer services.
It works out pretty good actually. We usually end up being a consultant, setting up their "deal", and selling them accessories! Eventually we earn trust, and sales on more expensive stuff that we have.
When I...and most likely YOU look for an auto mechanic, we don't look for the cheapest. RIGHT? We look for "the" guy that we can trust, and get us a decent deal. And a lifetime relationship! I remember going into panic mode when my GREAT mechanic retired a few years back!
Lets face it...we look for someone to trust, and build a relationship with on major things we don't know or understand! It frees us to think about other things in our lives! Human nature.
There is a way to work the system "if" you keep your head and wits about you!
Keep in mind that SERVICE is now king....and not necessarily "low price" in the current marketplace!