Ivan wrote:
Where did you get the price from? Here say, or did somebody quote that price to you? Did you see it online somewhere?
I did a quick search when I saw the topic on comparing the EAW KF940, and the price I saw was astonomic, and it was used! Looking again I'm not finding the link. Didn't look that far, but I didn't see any pricing for the KF940. Is that a discontinued unit? What's its approximate price?
Yes, I think I get it about the purity of the matter. I would suggest however that having a super vibrant online community is a goal in and of itself. I don't know how to evaluate this forum, I just know that when I went from Motifator.com (for my Motif XS7), it was absolutely great: tons of plugged in members, 2-3 active factory experts, a lot of very knowledeable users, etc. When I sold the Motif and got the Korg M3, I like the board a lot more, but I miss the forum, it's nothing compared to Motifator. There's very few super knowledeable users that frequent it, about 1/4 as much traffic/posts, and almost never any factory experts chiming in.
So beyond the self-interest of having a vibrant online community, there's also the public service of being a gateway for a new relationship to tech. Sure, some people have it in their blood as diy-ers, sure some are comfortable and more than willing to delve in to the minutia and relate to so much information, sure a lot of folks have been trained in it or grew up around it- but that's preaching to the choir when you say it's about purity.
How about all the folks who are immersed in this technological culture of our times (and being a musician these days typically means a lot of technology) and have little to no hands on experience with it- but not necessarily from lack of aptitude and interest? I would guess that's a whole lot more people than the ones who happen to know already they've got the aptitude and interest to tackle a big project like this. And money matters- many folks would go to this much trouble to save money, and then come to find out it's an amazing project to be involved in 'cause the results are so outstanding- et voila, you've been a vital part in helping someone go from consumer to builder/diyourself.
I'm still of the opinion that a Sticky like I described, and other means of navigating this forum for beginners, would be a friendly welcome to the start of a considerable journey.