Sound Reinforcement - Forums for Live Sound Professionals - Your Displayed Name Must Be Your Real Full Name To Post In The Live Sound Forums > LAB Subwoofer FUD Forum Archive
Locate Labsubs
Gary Perrett:
I have 2 in northern Minnesota, and there are 12 @ Lazertainment in Minneapolis.
Matt Martin:
Any one located in Missouri...or around Southern Missouri
Jeff Bailie:
12 Labhorns in Fort Collins, Colorado.
I have a table saw with a 54 inch fence if anyone needs to get down... It has been sitting there unused since I built the Labs over two years ago.
Andrew Gregory:
Are thare any LAB horns in the Phily. area? Andy
Oskar Rei:
Built one here at Estonia couple of years ago. Mainly for indoor and home cinema/music listening.
Made even some measurements, but with an accuracy between +-4dB.
Measured outdoors, one with no reflections and the other when horn placed in a corner (mouth directed to corner). Get a slight understanding how much would LAB perform better/flatter when wanting to run them solo. For LABhorn enthusiasts who don't want to built a rack of these to their living room.
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