Sound Reinforcement - Forums for Live Sound Professionals - Your Displayed Name Must Be Your Real Full Name To Post In The Live Sound Forums > Installed Sound/Contracting
FORUM RULES Read this before posting
Craig Leerman:
There are a few rules here on the forum which everybody needs to follow.
* Real names must be used as your handle. The simple reasons are as follows: A) Professionals converse with each other using real names, and B) If you post something, you should stand behind your words.
* There is no commerce allowed on the forums. You cannot advertise your own services or offer to sell anything here (even used gear) That's what the LAB Marketplace is for. Use PM or EMAIL to respond to a poster if you wish to advertise your own services.
* If you are affiliated or work for/with a dealer or manufacturer, you must state this in your post. A simple line in your Sig (I own XYZ company, or I work as a rep for x and y) will suffice.
* Manufacturers and Dealers cannot start threads about their products or services, but are encouraged to answer questions about their products, and services if posted by others. No marketing research should be done by a manufacturer or dealer on PSW.
* Make sure you know what you are talking about when it pertains to Rigging or Power Distribution! Many people are hurt or killed every year in accidents due to rigging, falls or electricity mishaps. If you are not 100 percent sure that the info you are posting about either subject is correct, then don't offer it up as fact.
* Keep the discussions here on track. This forum is about INSTALLED SOUND systems, control and integration of installed sound, and related business about installed sound contracting. Lighting topics should be in the LIGHTING FORUM, LIVE Sound topics should be in the LAB or the LOUNGE forums, DJ specific topics should be in the DJ Forum, and all other stuff should go to the BASEMENT Forums.
* If you have a problem, contact a moderator. We are here to help.
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